Pill bleeds are not real periods! A narrative become increasingly popular is that women don’t need periods. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. [...]
If you’re reading this, chances are you have experienced that gut-wrenching feeling we call period pain OR you know someone who has! It’s fair to say many [...]
Endometriosis is increasingly becoming a major problem and not enough women are aware of it. I come across women who have experienced period pain for [...]
It seems there’s an unspoken rule that herbalists aren’t allowed to get sick! Now there’s two ways of looking at this: On one hand, it could mean that [...]
You’ve probably heard the phrase ‘balance your hormones’ floating around. But what does this actually mean? There isn’t a way to actually ‘balance’ your [...]
News flash: Period pains are not the norm! Contrary to popular belief, it is not the burden we are doomed to carry whilst we suffer in silence. In fact, [...]
Millions of women around the world experience period pain, and not surprisingly, it is the number one reason behind work and school absence in women under [...]