You’re a Herbalist, Why Are You Sick? (5 min read)
It seems there’s an unspoken rule that herbalists aren’t allowed to get sick! Now there’s two ways of looking at this: On one hand, it could mean that herbalists are seen as invincible and therefore forfeit the right to sickness. OR it could be that with access to a world filled with amazing plants, surely, we should know how to fend off sickness, right?
Well, as wonderful as these sentiments are, the truth is we are human, special perhaps, but human nonetheless.
I recall a time when I had to leave my day job early because I wasn’t well. Technically I wasn’t ‘sick’ as such, I was just experiencing the ‘time of the month.’
Now every time I have a conversation with a woman about her monthly experience, it leaves me feeling enlightened about the very different, yet relatable experiences we all have.
Now what makes this story interesting is the fact that I’ve never had to leave work because of this, well aside from high school when I’d have to go home early because I kept walking bent over due to back pain. If only someone had just told me to cut out the sugar! But I digress! In my adult years, I’ve certainly never had to leave my job because I was on my period.
Now, I probably should have felt ashamed and weak. A herbalist leaving work early because of period pain. To make matters slightly awkward, just before I left my supervisor says to me, ‘I know you’re into your herbs, but maybe you might want to try some Ibruprofen?’. Hmm, what exactly do I say to that? I could have stood there and argued my case, but I was too weak to do that properly, and plus arguing wasn’t the way to go. Instead I explained that I had been lacking in greens and been generally run down that month. She didn’t seem convinced. Plus, I said something about not eating enough brussel sprouts that month, which if anything made me look like more of a quack.I certainly was run down! I had just moved home a week before, was setting up a practice and still working my day job.
The truth is herbs are great, but they only make up 1 slice of the pie. A diet rich in sources of magnesium and B complex are crucial in helping to relieve menstrual pain and supporting healthy blood cells. Not only does magnesium help as an effective muscle relaxant, B complex helps healthy blood cells to deliver nutrient-rich oxygen to your pelvic area, allowing better circulation. Not to mention stress levels and the impact it has on the immune system, bones and muscles.
So yes, herbalists may be wonderfully in-tune with herbs and remedies, but we also fall short at times if we don’t give the body the tools it needs to be balanced.
Ever had a similar experience and would love simple ways to overcome dreading your time of the month? Click here to get my free ABC to Living Pain-Free guide.
Take homes:
- Herbalists are incredibly gifted people (I know I’m biased, but its true!)
- We all fall short and are vulnerable to illness if the body is not given the right tools to thrive
- Magnesium and B complex are amongst the key players when it comes to relieving cramps.
- Stress can severely hamper the body’s ability to have energy and vitality.
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