10 Signs Your Period Pain Isn’t Normal (2min Read)
Millions of women around the world experience period pain, and not surprisingly, it is the number one reason behind work and school absence in women under 30. That’s a serious societal problem! It means even if period pain does not affect you personally, if you run a business that employs women, it’s likely some of your employees have had to call in sick due to excruciating period pains.
In my blog Period Pain is NOT Normal I talk about pain being a way of the body speaking to you. But when does period pain become more than just routine discomfort and more a symptom of an underlying condition? There are several reproductive conditions that cause period pains so here’s a list of 10 of the most common symptoms seen in conditions like endometriosis, PCOS, fibroids and dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB).
- Infertility or no periods
- Chronic pelvic pain,
- Diarrhoea, constipation and nausea
- Pain during sex felt deep in the pelvis
- Painful urination and bowel movements
- Chronic fatigue/anaemia
- Prolonged bleeding
- Acne or facial hair
- Sudden weight gain
- Depression
If you’re experiencing many of the symptoms listed and would like to treat the root cause of your pain instead of masking the symptoms every month, book a free 30 minute consultation to see how my services can help you.
For support during the time of the month, sign up for your free guide ABC to Living Pain-Free for great tips to experiencing more energy and vitality during your period. Wishing you well!
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